About AmplifyBio

AmplifyBio Purpose

AmplifyBio will advance the quality of human health and save lives by creating next generation platforms, tools, and services to amplify and accelerate the development of therapies and vaccines that will be accessible to millions of people. From concept to commercial.

Your Partner in Toxicology, Safety, Characterization and Manufacturing Services

At AmplifyBio, we excel in preclinical CRO (Contract Research Organization) services, offering a comprehensive suite of solutions to accelerate drug development. Our in vivo and in vitro studies evaluate toxicology, pharmacokinetics, clinical, and anatomic pathology for traditional small molecule and advanced therapies. These services are complemented by bioanalytics characterization and safety assessments, including biodistribution and immunological impact analysis, ensuring a thorough understanding of the safety profiles for cell and gene therapies.

As an innovative CDMO (Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization) partner, AmplifyBio integrates cutting-edge development, characterization, and manufacturing capabilities for cell and gene therapies and mRNA and plasmid production. We offer seamless support across the therapeutic development lifecycle by combining our scientific expertise with advanced manufacturing technologies.

Partner with AmplifyBio to streamline your journey from concept to commercialization with unmatched efficiency and precision.

Business Units and Services

AmplifyBio’s combined capabilities span from discovery and development support, including in vivo and in vitro characterization and safety assessments, and an expert team willing to customize the journey to ensure that clients find a development “sandbox” to bring therapeutics from concept to commercial.  Whatever the modality being developed or the technology platforms implemented, AmplifyBio is here to accelerate the journey to the clinic. 

Outsourced R&D Services
ADOC Offering

AmplifyBio Discovery, Optimization and Characterization Outsourced R&D services for benchmarking and optimizing advanced therapeutics

Discovery, Optimization, and Characterization

Establish critical benchmarks of product characterization, optimize efficacy, or troubleshoot unexpected results.
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Preclinical CRO Services
ASET Offering

AmplifyBio Safety, Efficacy and Toxicology
Preclinical CRO studies for all drug types with enhanced analytic and characterization services

Safety, Efficacy, Toxicology

Decades of preclinical CRO experience with broad scientific expertise and capabilities allow us to deliver complex and customized study designs.
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CDMO Manufacturing
AMEC Offering

Advanced Therapy Manufacturing CDMO Services for multiple modalities, offered in modular custom suites with flexible staffing models

Manufacturing Enablement Center

Our new 350,000 sq ft facility in Ohio offers customizable manufacturing suites available for multiple modalities, and offered in varied staffing contracts for maximum flexibility
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What Clients are Saying

“The hybrid outsourcing model offered by AmplifyBio allows us to have a best of both workds between build and buy” (1)

Contact AmplifyBio

Partner with the AmplifyBio team if you need a preclinical CRO or commercialization partner for any drug type. 
 Contact us today for questions or more information about our resources and expertise